Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Interview with Jessica A.

Jessica, better known by her peers as "Jessie Sweats," due to her uncanny ability to wear sweat pants regardless of the occassion, is currently a full-time student and part-time employer at a law firm. The money she makes at her part-time position is her only real source of income. However, she also has the majority of her college tuition paid for with scholarships that she received. She feels that the majority of her overspending is attributed to food costs, more specifically lunch and dinner. While having to deal with the burden of going to both work and school, Jessie Sweats doesn't feel like she has enough time to make her own meals, forcing her to pay the high costs that vendors, food shops, and restaurants around her area charge. Ideally she feels like a couple times a week of eating out wouldn't be that bad, but anymore and she definitely feels like she is overspending in this category.
Jessie Sweats only real method of controling her spending is will power as she has a weekly goal of saving at least $50 a week from each paycheck. She also believes that physically writing down or documenting her purchases would be beneficial, but once again she attributes her lack of free time as the reason for not following through with this method.
As a short term financial goal, Jessie Sweats, would like to be a car owner in the very near future. Also, in the long-term, this aspiring Lawyer would like to be able to quickly pay off her law school loans once she graduates, so she can comfortably break right out into the new world without any financial restricitions.
If Jessie Sweats were able to save some of the money she is currently overspending on lunch and dinner, she would most likely put it towards the car she plans on buying. Also, depending exactly how much she saved, she may decide to put some of it into a CD, or even better she might buy herself a nice pair of jeans.

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